Are you a writer or artist that wants to be published and recognized? West Trade Review wants to hear from you! We are looking for original and unpublished works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry by both new and established writers/artists.  We also accept novel excerpt submissions.  

A writer bio is required with each submission. 

Please submit your work to the appropriate genre folder and follow all established guidelines found on our website:


We look forward to reviewing your work.  

Our reading period is April 1 through August 1 & August 15 through December 15.  Some genres, however, could close early if submission caps are reached prior to the end of a reading period.

Submit only once per reading period.

We offer free submissions during the first week of each month (April to December); otherwise, there is a $3 general submission fee.

You may also choose to receive a quick decision about your work for $10, and may also receive a quick decision about your work along with personalized feedback from the editors for $25.   The response time for both fee related options is approximately 2 weeks.

Our contest period (fiction and poetry) is January 15th-March 15th.  

Subscribe to our Newsletter and Stay Connected to Our Literary Community

Our monthly newsletter highlights some of our recent fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction and also includes book reviews of upcoming and recently released titles.  If you're looking for something new to read, you won't want to miss these carefully curated titles and recommendations. You'll also have access to interviews with exciting emerging writers.  Don't miss these important conversations and all our best contemporary fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.

Sign up for our newsletter now at the link below to learn about West Trade Review events, readings, and contests before anyone else.


Thank you for your sponsorship, your friendship, and your invaluable commitment to literature.

Please take a moment to follow us on social media:




You'll also find us on Bluesky and Threads.

Questions? Contact us at westtradereview@gmail.com


****** Special Promo:  Submit by end of day on 7/21, and we’ll respond to your submission within 2 weeks (no extra charge for expedited response).

Area code 704 is our home for West Trade Review(the Charlotte Metro area), but our contest is open to anyone.

Send  us a flash piece of up to 704 words that will engage us intellectually  that also packs an emotional punch and has something important to teach  us about what it means to be a human being.

For a model story, see Jessica Denzer's "The Silence" from our Spring 2022 print edition. It was selected for Best Small Fictions 2023 (Alternating Current Press).

 The  contest is open from June 1, 2024 - August 1, 2024. Entry fee is $7.04   for each individual flash fiction story (one story per entry), with no  limit per writer. Each  writer who submits will be entered into a weekly drawing to receive  either personalized feedback on a piece of writing of their choice  (fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction; prose up to 6000 words or up  to 5 poems) or a copy of our Spring 2024 edition.

Weekly drawing winners will be announced on our social media platforms.


  • This contest is open to emerging writers only who have not yet published a book with a print run over 1,500.
  • Only previously unpublished flash stories will be accepted.
  • Stories that have won and/or placed in any other writing contest are ineligible. 
  • Unlimited entries allowed. One story per submission. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but previously accepted or work published in West Trade Review is ineligible.
  • Please withdraw your submission and notify West Trade Review if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • No one editorially or financially affiliated with West Trade Review can enter the contest.


  • All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on August 1, 2024. Submissions open June 1, 2024.
  • Entry  fee is $7.04 for each individual story of no more than 704 words (one  story per entry), with no limit per author, and each entrant is entered  into a weekly drawing. The weekly winner receives their choice of  personalized feedback on a piece of writing (prose up to 6000 words or  up to 5 poems) or a copy of our Spring 2024 print edition.
  • Submission is one original flash fiction story of no more than 704 words.
  • The author’s name must not appear on the manuscript or in the file name.
  • Please submit one story per entry in a single Microsoft Word file and list the title of your story as the submission title.
  • Please use a standard font, either Times New Roman or Arial in 12 point font size.
  • Do not include a cover page. Include your title with your story.
  • Please  do not include professional resumes or biographies with your entry.  Entries are judged anonymously; the judge will only consider story  quality.
  • Please  take the judge of the contest into consideration. If you know her  personally, or have ever attended classes or workshops she has  instructed, please use manuscripts that she would not have seen before.
  • Revisions or edits will not be accepted once submitted for judging.

​Entries that do no meet guidelines or eligibility requirements will not be considered.

$704 and publication in West Trade Review will be awarded to the winning story.

The  winning story chosen by our judge will be announced on our website and social media  platforms in late August 2024 and then published in the Spring 2025  print issue of West Trade Review.

Other entries of merit may be considered for publication.

This year's contest judge is Elizabeth Gonzalez James.

Elizabeth Gonzalez James is a screenwriter and author of the novels, Mona at Sea and The Bullet Swallower, as well as the chapbook, Five Conversations About Peter Sellers. She teaches fiction writing at Grub Street. Originally from South Texas, Elizabeth now lives with her family in Massachusetts.

You can find her on Instagram: @unefemmejames

West Trade Review invites submissions of poetry, fiction, essays, and hybrid work for an upcoming issue with a special section on the theme of Ecstasy.

It seems we have always needed, and had, a word for ecstatic states. The word “ecstasy” comes to us from ancient Greek, ek-outside of + stasis, that is, our usual condition. Thousands of years later, we’re still in search of escape from the daily grind—from dull work, heavy responsibilities, the expectations, and requirements of others, and perhaps above all from the shadowy aspects of ourselves. Ecstasy will explore the contours of our altered states and our wishes—sometimes lucid, often not—for such alterity. We want out. How will we get it?

We’re looking for writing that explores ecstasy in all its forms—ecstasies of the body, of course, but also of the mind and spirit, ecstasies of labor, research, discovery, recognition, and reward. Ecstasies of relief—from pain, concern, obsession. Ecstatic laughter from Nietzsche to Kundera to Iliza Shlesinger and Margaret Cho. Ecstasies of information, from the full-scape virtual reality suite to the humble sext—or maybe just an unexpectedly hot postcard from an alter-ego, something that perks you up, attunes you freshly to the erotic possibilities of speed, flight, transformation, and exchange.

Is ecstasy a matter of one-time access, like finding a golden ticket or a getting a winning lotto card? Or is it an aspect of practice, a deep release like a runner’s high, something that comes after a long period of patient work?

We’re interested, too, in the limits of ecstasy and in work that explores its shadow side—the ambiguous ecstasies of crowds, of riots and protests and sold-out shows. Show us the paradoxes of ecstasy, the mind-altering pleasures to be found around the edges of being mature, reasonable, adult.

We want subtle work that insists, with Lucy Snowe: “We shall and must break bounds at intervals, despite the terrible revenge that awaits our return.” And we want work that shouts for release along with Baudelaire: “Anywhere! Anywhere out of this world!”

Send us what sends you.



     - Only previously unpublished work will be considered.
          - Submit up to 5 poems as one submission in a single Microsoft Word file (and list the title of each poem for the title of your group submission) or a single prose piece of up to 6,000 words.
          - Include a clear title for your submission and indicate genre in your cover letter and at the top of your document (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, hybrid).
          - Please single space poems and double space prose.
          - Include a cover letter and a short 3rd person biography of no more than 150 words. In your cover letter, explain how your submission engages with the theme of ecstasy.
          - Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please let us know immediately if the work is published elsewhere.
          - Writers may not submit more than once per reading period.

Submissions that do no meet guidelines or eligibility requirements will not be considered.


While we offer free submissions the first week of each month (April to December), general submissions are typically $3 (to cover administrative costs).

You may also choose to receive a quick decision about your work for $10, and may also receive a quick decision about your work along with personalized feedback from the editors for $25 (1.5-2 pages). The response time for both expedited and personalized options is approximately 2 weeks.

Please take a moment to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter.




You'll also find us on Threads and Bluesky.

WTR seek poems that perform Olympic feats with language that  leave a reader in wonder while still referring back to the basic things  that make us human. We want powerful imagery and enjoy the juxtaposition  of images in interesting and unexpected ways.
 We want poems that make the reader think and feel, work that humbles us  with its joy, humor, embarrassment, anger, hope, grief, or all of the  above, and gravitate toward writing that has something important to  teach us--something that readers really need to know, but might not have  understood this was a need until the last word of the work.

NOTE: Submissions which do not meet the following guidelines will not be considered:

  • All submissions must be previously unpublished and are limited to five poems per reading period and must be accompanied by a cover letter and a biography of no more than 150 words. Work submitted without a biography will not be considered.
  • In your cover letter, please mention your social media handles (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).  If you have a website dedicated to your writing, please include the link in your letter.
  • Include a clear title for each poem.
  • Submit poems as one reading packet and place what you consider your stronger work at the front of the group.
  • Enter the title of each poem as your packet's submission title.
  • Work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file. 

Submit only once per reading period.  

While we offer free submissions the first week of each month (April to December), general submissions are typically $3 (to cover administrative costs).  

You may also choose to receive a quick decision about your work for $10, and may also receive a quick decision about your work along with personalized feedback from the editors for $25 (1.5-2 pages).   The response time for both expedited and personalized options is approximately 2 weeks.

Please take a moment to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter.

You'll also find us on Threads and Bluesky.


We look for fiction with a literary focus and prioritize characterization and psychological depth. No genre pieces considered.

​We  want stories that make the reader think and feel, work  that humbles us with its joy, humor, embarrassment, anger, hope, grief,  or all of the above, and gravitate toward writing that has something  important to teach us--something that readers really need to know, but  might not have understood this was a need until the last word of the work.

Manuscripts are read between April 1 and August 1 & August 15 to December 15.

NOTE: Submissions which do not meet the following guidelines will not be considered:

  • All submissions must be previously unpublished and are limited to one entry per submission period.
  • While we have no hard limit regarding story length, most pieces we accept are typically less than 5,000 words.
  • Work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file and include a clear title of the work
  • Submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter and a biography of no more than 150 words. Work submitted without a biography will not be considered.
  • In your cover letter, please mention your social media handles (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).  If you have a website dedicated to your writing, please include the link in your cover letter as well.

Submit Only Once Per Reading Period.

While we offer free submissions the first week of each month (April to December), general submissions are typically $3 (to cover administrative costs).  

You may also choose to receive a quick decision about your work for $10, and may also receive a quick decision about your work along with personalized feedback from the editors for $25 (1.5-2 pages).   The response time for both expedited and personalized options is approximately 2 weeks. 

Please take a moment to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter.




You'll also find us on Threads and Bluesky.

We are interested in personal essays, memoir, travel essays, and lyric essays of up to 6000 words that blend style with substance and reach beyond the personal to tell us something new about the world.

We  want creative nonfiction that make the reader think and feel, work that humbles us with its joy, humor, embarrassment, anger, hope, grief,  or all of the above, and gravitate toward writing that has something  important to teach us--something that readers really need to know, but  might not have understood this was a need until the last word of the work.


Manuscripts are read between April 1 and August 1 & August 15 to December 15.

NOTE: Submissions which do not meet the following guidelines will not be considered:


  • All submissions must be previously unpublished and are limited to one entry per submission period.
  • While we have no hard limit regarding CNF length, most pieces we accept are typically less than 6,000 words. We do accept flash nonfiction, but we find pieces are often undeveloped or unfocused.
  • Work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). We have had issues with Apple Pages and Google docs. Follow conventional formatting (12pt readable font, double spacing, 1" margins).
  • Include a clear title of the work, a brief cover letter, and a short biography no more than 150 words.  Work submitted without a biography will not be considered.  
  • Please mention your social media handles in your cover letter.  If you have a personal website for your writing, please provide the link in your cover letter as well.

Submit Only Once Per Reading Period.

While we offer free submissions the first week of each month (April to December), general submissions are typically $3 (to cover administrative costs).  

You may also choose to receive a quick decision about your work for $10, and may also receive a quick decision about your work along with personalized feedback from the editors for $25 (1.5-2 pages).   The response time for both expedited and personalized options is approximately 2 weeks. 


Please take a moment to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter.




You'll also find us on Threads and Bluesky.

West Trade Review